Six Food That Makes You Smarter and Taller (If you are a Baby)

6 Food that make you smarter and taller

Okay, I think this will be more about helping babies get smarter and taller rather than helping the parents themselves.

The development of children has always been very important for parents. From infancy to adolescence, parents play a very important role in their development. Height and intelligence/IQ (although we are now shifting towards EQ) in the child’s development are undoubtedly what everyone cares about the most. Hence, many parents will give their children additional supplements or nutrients along the way. However, are you choosing the right nutritious food?

Nutrients that children need does not have to come from supplements. A balance diet of milk, fruits and so on contains either the same or even more nutrients that what artificial supplements can provide.

Here are six food that helps in IQ development and height.

1. Fresh Milk

Food that make you smarter and taller - Fresh milk

The development of the human body requires large amount of calcium, and milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus and protein, which is very helpful for overall growth. Milk is very easily absorbed and is the best source of calcium for growth and development. Calcium in milk regulates nerves and muscles. Children who drink a cup of milk after breakfast every day will see improvement in their cognitive abilities and ensure that their brains work efficiently. However, do not give fresh milk to babies under one year old. Breast milk or baby formula milk is required for babies under the age of one.

2. Vegetables

Spinach is rich in iron and calcium. Iron is required for important biochemical processes such as biological oxidation. Nutrients are biooxidized to obtain the energy needed for our daily activities. The right amount of iron can promote bone development and enhance physical fitness.

Food that make you smarter and taller - Carrots

Carrots have this “magical effect” on children’s height. They contain a lot of mineral elements such as potassium, zinc and are rich carotene. Potassium is an important element of human growth. It is of great help to the development of various organs. Zinc helps to regulate the growth of the nervous system, and these elements have a great effect on bone growth.

Onion and Garlic “Allicin”, which is many times more beneficial to the brain than vitamin B. Having children eat more onion and garlic can better promote the growth and development of brain cells.

3. Fruits

Citrus is rich in vitamin C, which helps the body to absorb calcium. The content of vitamin C in citrus is three times that of apple. Orange, lemon and lime are all citrus.

4. Grains

Food that make you smarter and taller - Millet

Millet contains high amount of protein, fat, calcium, iron, vitamin B and other nutrients, and is known as the brain food. Soy is rich in high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids. It contains 1.64% lecithin, iron and vitamins which are essential components for brain cell growth and repair. Proper intake can enhance and improve children’s memory.

5. Fish

Fish contains globulin, albumin and a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids. It is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. Appropriate intake can enhance and improve children’s memory.

6. Eggs

Food that make you smarter and taller - Eggs

Eggs contain large amount of lecithin, which can increase the release of acetylcholine in the brain and improve children’s memory and ability to process information. If children eat 1 or 2 eggs a day for breakfast, it not only stimulates the development of their brains, but also make them more energetic

A Balanced Diet is Important

These six food promote the development of the child’s brain and bones, not only allowing children to grow their intelligence, but also to make them grow taller. While it may be common to give our child additional supplements, do not give over the recommended limit. The best way for a child to receive his nutrients is still through a balanced diet.

Having known the six food that is good for children, check out the food that are considered taboo for the children.


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