My Child is Always Sick After Attending School – Some Zinc Might Help

Your little child is 18 months old and is “qualified” to go to a childcare. For those who does not go to infant care, this is the time when they start to enter either a childcare centres or playgroups. This is also where you see your usually healthy child starts to fall sick much more frequently. This is a problem that many parents will encounter. Why is it so?

Immunity System

First and foremost, this has to do with the child’s immunity. Before going to childcare centres, the child predominantly only comes into close contact with his/her immediate family members such as parents or siblings. Their social circle is relatively small, and hence the sources of the contacting germs and viruses is relatively small, so it is less likely to get sick. After attending kindergarten, the child’s social circle has expanded in an instant, and the chances of getting more infections will increase.

Humans begin to be more exposed to various types of germs and viruses from the age of two or three. This in turn helps us to produce various antibodies to stimulate the activation of immune cells. This is crucial for our future development of the immune system. If a child is strictly raised in a “sterile” environment, it is actually not good for their health in the future.

Develop His Self-help Skills

Having acquired self-help skills is important for preschoolers and helps reduce chances of falling ill

Next, before a child enters childcare centre, his/her parents or caregivers are the ones who takes care of their daily needs. The child might not have developed the self-help skills such as feeding or dressing up himself properly. As a result, one he is in the childcare centre, he might be eating slower or taking more time to shower and get dressed. Hence, there is a higher chance of the child catching a cold or developing diarrhea.


Many childcare centres nowadays are fully air-conditioned. While it makes the centre more conducive, the enclosed environment promotes the spread of bacteria and viruses. Pathogens will also spread through the circulation of the air- condition. Hopefully, the school will periodically open the windows to let in some fresh air.

Improving Immunity – Trace Elements

So is there any way to improve children’s immunity? Trace elements might hold the key. Children who are deficient in Zinc are more likely to catch a cold. Doctors have reported that some children who have taken Zinc supplements have improved immunity and their resistance to cold increased.

Try boosting the level of Zinc for your school going child. Your visit to the pediatrician may just get reduced.


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