Mahdis Mohamaadi – The Internet is Mesmerised by this Iranian Girl

If your daughter is so pretty, would you quit your job and be her full time bodyguard? A father in Iran did just that for fear that her daughter’s good looks may bring her unwanted harassment or harm.

Little Princess from Iran, Mahdis Mohammadi

Meet 8-year-old Iranian girl Mahdis Mohammadi who has a pair of big dark eyes, thick eyelashes and a high nose. She has been praised by foreign media as being “the most beautiful girl in the world.” Despite her young age, Mahdis has a super-beautiful appearance. In addition, her parents like to dress her up as a little princess.

Her parents hope that she will go into literature and arts after she grows up. She maybe a musician or a dancer, depending on her daughter’s own development, talent and choice. But for now, Mahdis’ dream is to become a teacher or a scientist. She is also interested in literature and nature.

189k followers on Instagram and the number is still growing.

Mahdis’ parents also created an Instagram account for her, which attracted the following of more than 189,000 people. Her Instagram account is currently being run by her mother.


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