Many mothers will start thinking about their future baby’s appearance and gender during pregnancy. When it comes to the gender of the baby, there have been many theories and beliefs on what will affect the baby’s gender. We also heard plenty of methods on how to conceive baby boy or baby girl. How many of these claims are true and which are unreliable?
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A simple table to predict the gender of your baby. Rather accurate for me |
I came across this table on social media and interestingly (not sure if it is coincidentally), it accurately predicted the gender of my two babies. Quite amazing. This also inspired me to research more to see if there is really anything that can be done to “select” the desired gender of your baby.
For this article, I will use simplified terms “Y sperm” and “X sperm” to represent “sperm with Y chromosomes” and “sperm with X chromosomes” respectively. If a Y sperm fertilises the egg, you will conceive a baby boy. If X sperm fertilises the egg, you will conceive a baby girl.
What Factors Affect the Baby’s Gender?
It has been proven that the number of sperm in men decreases with age, and so the chances of having a girl are particularly high. Similarly, as a woman ages, the alkaline secretions in the uterus are reduced due to the effects of aging, and the chances of having a girl are greatly increased. Therefore, it is a fact that older couples are more likely to have daughters than younger couples.
Acidity and Alkalinity of Food
According to years of research, it is proved that the acidity and alkalinity of food does affect the chances of having boys and girls. If you want to have a boy, women should eat more alkaline food. Men should eat a balanced diet. If you want to have girls, women should avoid eating too much alkaline food, but don’t eat too much acidic food as it may affect their health. Both men and women just need to have a balanced diet.
According to a statistical report, if the male drives for a long period (such as a taxi driver, a truck driver), is a flight attendant or pilot, an anesthesiologist, or a diver, the chances of having a girl are particularly high. This is because the testicles are constantly subjected to changes in the air pressure or water pressure, or inhaled too much toxic aesthetic gas, resulting in the death of the weaker Y (boy) sperm cells, resulting in a higher chance for conceiving girls.
Long-term stress in men will reduce the number of sperm; women who are too nervous will have a strong acidic environment, which is not good for Y sperm to survive. Therefore, people who are under too much work pressure or those under pressure to conceive are more prone to give birth to girls. If you want to have a boy, don’t put too much pressure on it.
What Conditions Favour Conceiving Boys?
Timing of Intercourse Determines Gender of the Baby
Since the X (girl) sperm survives longer than the Y sperm, obstetrician/ gynecologists advises that if you want to have a boy, you should choose to have sexual intercourse when ovulating, because the Y sperm is smaller and lighter than the X sperm, so the Y sperm can reach the egg faster and earlier. On the other hand, if you want a girl, you will have sex 3 to 5 days before ovulation. This allows the weaker Y sperm to die off and the remaining X sperm will have a better chance of fertilising the egg. Having intercourse at the right time increases the probability of conceiving a boy or a girl by 25%.
Your Body’s pH Level
According to research over the years, it has been proved that the acidity and alkalinity of food does affect the chances of having boys or girls. This is also generally considered to be a scientific accepted theory. By adjusting the body’s pH level, women who eat more alkaline food, while men who eat a balanced diet can increase the chances of having a boy.
Alkaline food include: beans (pod or green beans), vegetables, fruits (except bananas, plums, processed fruits), fresh milk, grains (such as corn), tea, kelp, seaweed, yeast, iodine, calcium, Vitamin D.
Summer or High Temperature Environment
Studies have shown that the temperature of the environment in which men and women live in the month before sexual life is an important factor affecting the gender of the baby. High temperature affects the X chromosome of sperm, making it difficult for female babies to be born: low temperatures can affect the Y chromosome of sperm, making it difficult for male babies to be born.
Positions During Intercourse, Orgasm Required
Quality sex life can increase the chances of conceiving a boy. When women reaches an orgasm, the cervical canal produces a strong alkaline liquid, which turns the normally acidic vagina alkaline. This alkaline environment is beneficial to the survival of the Y sperm.
At the same time, studies have found that when the sperm count is high, so is the chance of conceiving a boy. Therefore, it is best that the husband abstain from sex for a few days before the ovulation date so that he can have a larger amount of healthy strong sperm count. As for the sex position, try to achieve a deeper penetration through positions such as doggy style or place a pillow under the wife’s buttocks rising the height by around 6-10 cm during missionary position.
Start Young
The sperm count in men decreases with age and so the chances of having a girl are particularly high. Similarly, the older a woman is, the amount of alkaline secretions in the uterus are reduced year by year due to the effects of aging. This also increases the chances of having a girl.
Hence, if you want a boy, please do not wait. Start early when both are still in better physical condition. With higher quality sperm and eggs, the chances of having a boy are relatively larger.
What if I Want to Conceive a Girl?
Timing of Intercourse
Start having routine intercourse two to three days before ovulation. It is said that frequent intercourse reduces the number of Y sperm which results in conceiving a boy. Having intercourse every alternate day or every two days is the best. Those who want to try conceive a girl can plan your timings accordingly.
Vaginal pH Adjustment
Before ovulation, there will usually be a lot of transparent, egg white-like secretions. These secretions prevent the sperm from entering the uterus. The Y sperm cannot adapt to such an acidic environment and is likely to be “eliminated” before it reaches the uterus. On the other hand, X sperm is more adaptable in acidic environment and so is able to swim up to the uterus and successfully conceive.
Positions During Intercourse
If you are trying for a girl, the wife must try to avoid having an orgasm (so unfair!). The husband should not penetrate too deep. The sperm will have a longer distance to swim and hence need to stay in the acidic environment longer. This increases the chance of having the Y sperm being naturally “eliminated”, leaving only X sperm. Appropriate posture: side sex positions such as saucy spoons.
Eat more Fruits and Vegetables before Pregnancy
Scientists have found that if the women’s diet is rich in calcium and magnesium (such as green leafy vegetables) a few weeks before conceiving, the chances of having a girl is greatly increased. Among the group of women who participated in the study, 80% of those given a carefully configured diet from the researchers had a daughter. In contrast, eating more potassium and sodium-rich foods (bananas and potatoes) a few weeks before pregnancy increases the chances of having a son.
As mentioned earlier, if the husband is a driver (drives for a long period), a flight attendant or pilot, an anesthesiologist, a diver, or sits in the office for long hours, the chances of having a girl are particularly high. This is because the testicles are constantly subjected to changes in the air pressure or water pressure, or inhaled too much toxic aesthetic gas, resulting in the death of the weaker Y (boy) sperm cells, resulting in a higher chance for conceiving girls.
Boy or Girl, They are Gifts from God
Studies and methods stated above may increase the possibility of you conceiving a boy (or a girl). Ultimately, god has decided the gender of your baby and every child is a precious gift, regardless of their gender. More importantly is that the baby is born strong and healthy. Gender to me is secondary.
Welcome to parenthood!
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