
Showing posts from May, 2019

Sambucol Black Elderberry Original Syrup and for Kids Too

Sambucol’s Black Elderberry Original Syrup and the For Kids Syrup are trusted by worldwide to keep you and your family strong and healthy throughout the year. Elderberry contains loads of health benefits and I have detailed them in this post here.  Below are a summary of the benefits of elderberry. Elderberry has loads of health benefits according to Dr. Axe Where to Get It You can get your Sambucol Black Elderberry Original Syrup , and the Sambucol Black Elderberry For Kids Syrup online at iHerb. They are currently running a discount programme for purchases of 2 or more bottles.
I have grown up believing that Vitamin C is the best remedy for the common cold and flu. While it is not entirely wrong, it wasn’t until I became a parent myself that I started to research more into nutrition and vitamins that could help my little ones avoid catching, or recover faster from the common cold or flu. It was then that I realised that hey it’s a mineral called Zinc, when taken together with Vitamin C, is far more effective in reducing the severity and the duration of the common cold. What exactly are the benefits of Vitamin C with Zinc? Lets talked about them individually. Vitamin C Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C is considered as a safe and effective nutrient commonly associated as a cure for the common cold, which many experts have since dispelled this claim. In actual fact, Vitamin C’s benefits are far more than what we probably know. Vitamin C are known to protect against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal he

South Korean Kimchi – Fighting the Flu Virus

Saranghae Oppa! Are you a K-drama fan? Did you know that South Korea also has something very wonderful to offer other than its K-drama and ginseng? Yes, it is the South Korean Kimchi. Kimchi, the well-known traditional fermented vegetables, has proven effective in fighting the flu virus. Kimchi ABC Basic ingredients of kimchi Kimchi is a traditional side dish in Korean dating back to 37 BC ‒ 7 AD (period of the Three Kingdoms). It is made from salted and fermented vegetables, most commonly napa cabbage and Korean radishes, with a variety of seasonings including chili powder, scallions, garlic, ginger, and jeotgal (salted seafood). There are many varieties of kimchi made with different vegetables and it was said that every family has their own unique recipe passed down for generations. Nutrition and Health Kimchi is made of different types of vegetables and it contains a high concentration of dietary fiber, and yet low in calories. One single serving of kimc

My Child is Always Sick After Attending School – Some Zinc Might Help

Your little child is 18 months old and is “qualified” to go to a childcare. For those who does not go to infant care, this is the time when they start to enter either a childcare centres or playgroups. This is also where you see your usually healthy child starts to fall sick much more frequently. This is a problem that many parents will encounter. Why is it so? Immunity System First and foremost, this has to do with the child’s immunity. Before going to childcare centres, the child predominantly only comes into close contact with his/her immediate family members such as parents or siblings. Their social circle is relatively small, and hence the sources of the contacting germs and viruses is relatively small, so it is less likely to get sick. After attending kindergarten, the child’s social circle has expanded in an instant, and the chances of getting more infections will increase. Humans begin to be more exposed to various types of germs and viruses from the age of two

Kids Eyeglasses – Should Kids with Myopia be Constantly Wear Them?

Singapore has one of the highest rates of myopia in the world. Health Promotion Board (HPB) statistics showed that over the past 10 years – at 65% of Primary 6 pupils and 28% of Primary 1 pupils are myopic. Causes for High Rate of Myopia Singapore’s high myopia rates is largely due to children here having spend less time outdoors and more time reading, writing and using electronic devices. In addition, myopia is genetic, so children with myopic parents have a higher chance of being short-sighted as well. Only Wear Glasses when Studying Many parents, including myself, would want our child to wear glasses only when they are in school, doing their homework and so on. For other times of the day, we would encourage them, as much as possible, not to put on the glasses. We think that this will prevent or slow down the development of myopia. THIS IS WRONG! Wearing spectacles is NOT the cause of myopia. Wearing glasses corrects the vision and does not cause myopia to wo

Six Food That Makes You Smarter and Taller (If you are a Baby)

Okay, I think this will be more about helping babies get smarter and taller rather than helping the parents themselves. The development of children has always been very important for parents. From infancy to adolescence, parents play a very important role in their development. Height and intelligence/IQ (although we are now shifting towards EQ) in the child’s development are undoubtedly what everyone cares about the most. Hence, many parents will give their children additional supplements or nutrients along the way. However, are you choosing the right nutritious food? Nutrients that children need does not have to come from supplements. A balance diet of milk, fruits and so on contains either the same or even more nutrients that what artificial supplements can provide. Here are six food that helps in IQ development and height. 1. Fresh Milk The development of the human body requires large amount of calcium, and milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus and prot

Food Taboo for Children – No No for Children Under 10

As parents, we are constantly figuring out when to start letting our babies try out new food. Sometimes, we forget to pay attention to what food babies cannot eat in the process. Here are some food taboo for children under the age of six that you need to pay attention to. Salt There is absolutely no need to add any salt, including soya sauce, into infant’s food. The intake of salt for infants under one year old may stress both the kidneys and the heart, and prevent bone development. In addition, once the baby is accustomed to eating salty food, it is difficult to change the habit and is harmful for health in the long run. The recommended limits for salt intake is: Infant under one year old – No salt Toddlers age 1 to 3 – less than 2g/day Children aged 4 to 10 – less than 3g/day Honey This is fairly common knowledge that infants under the age of one should not consume honey. Honey can contain spores of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum, which

Don't Leave Baby's Clothes to Dry Outdoors Overnight – Superstition?

I bet most of you have heard your parents or you parent-in-laws said this before. Do not hang baby’s clothes out to dry  overnight . They must be kept indoors before sunset! I have been following this advice for as long as I can remember without questioning the rationale behind this. Science vs Superstition I assume it was some kind of superstition, where after dark, some “dirty things” may find the baby clothing cute and stay with it etc. I wasn’t really convinced by this superstition beliefs really. So why can’t we leave baby’s clothes out to dry at night? For many families, laundry is usually done at night after a long day at work. After the clothes are washed, you would naturally hang them out to dry (unless you have a dryer of course). Here are some scientific explanations why your clothes shouldn’t be left to dry outdoors at night: Bugs Party Once night falls, the bugs are out to party. Insects and bugs are generally more active at night than the day.