Betadine® Anticeptic Skin Cleanser Review – Hand Foot Mouth Disease Prevention

The hand foot mouth disease (HFMD) situation in Malaysia seems appears to be worsening everyday with all States in Malaysia having increasing cases of HFMD, with the exception of Sarawak. As you have read in the news, Malaysia’s health organisation is giving away BETADINE® Antiseptic Skin Cleanser to all affected kindergartens in Penang as a means of Hand Foot Mouth Disease Prevention.

The number of HFMD cases is also on the rise in Singapore and it is time we get prepared for the upcoming peak of the virus.

Interestingly, BETADINE® Antiseptic Skin Cleanser is given out to preschools to help curb the spread of HFMD. What is this Antiseptic Cleanser and is it effective? Let’s find out a little more.

BETADINE® Antiseptic Skin Cleanser 100ml


  • Non-stinging, non-staining and non-sensitising the skin of patients
  • Germicidal cleanser indicated for disinfection of skin or as surgical scrub.
  • Contains povidore-iodine 7.5% w/v against a wide range of bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause diseases.
  • Tested against MERS, Ebola, SARS, Hand Foot Mouth Disease, Influenza A Virus and Norovirus

Demonstrated by the European testing method, EN 14476, which evaluates if an antiseptic meets the minimum requirements for microbicidal activity, BETADINE® Skin Cleanser, is proven to kill both Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) viruses at a faster onset of action (Sawhney 2016). Viral titres of both HFMD viruses Enterovirus 71 and Coxsackievirus A16 were reduced within 30 and 60 seconds, respectively by BETADINE® Skin Cleanser.

How to Use

  • Apply to wet body and rub all over using normal bath soap, leave for 15-30 seconds.
  • Rinse well.
  • For treatment, use every day till improvement is satisfactory

Health Warnings

Precaution: If redness, irritation, swelling or pain persist or increases or infection occurs, discontinue or consult a doctor. External Use Only Contraindications: Sensitivity to iodine. Hyperthyroidism. Application to large areas of broken skin should be avoided.

BETADINE® Antiseptic Skin Cleanser 100ml appears to have scientific prove of its effectiveness against not only HFMD, but also against a number of other viruses including the Influenza virus.


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