Dinosaurs Toys - Why You Should Encourage Your Child to Play with Them

If your kiddo has a dinosaur obsession, you should be thrilled. Science calls this an “intense interest” and says it will drive a child’s learning as well as help foster lifelong curiosity. In fact, above-average intelligence is not unusual for kids who are enamored with dinosaurs, or any subject that generates a natural strong interest. The same thing goes for a focus on cars, trucks, trains, dolls, drawing, etc. If a child shows an incredible fondness in something, it can be a very good thing. In this post, I’m going to talk specifically talk about dinos because it’s such a popular interest among kids. WHY A DINOSAUR OBSESSION IS SO GREAT “When we’re interested in what we’re learning, we pay closera attention we process the information more efficiently; we employ more effective learning strategies…” – source That’s precisely why boys and girls who are fascinated with dinosaurs can tell you the names of so many of them. They find them incredibly interesting which makes...