
Showing posts from June, 2019

Simple Overnight Oats Recipe – 7 Delicious Ideas

Overnight oats is a super fast, simple, healthy and delicious breakfast. It takes only a few minutes to prepare, no cooking and you can mix and match your taste. During the overnight soaking process (hence called overnight oats), the oats will gradually soften after one night. It is ready to be served the next morning along with some fruits or nuts. I will share with you 7 simple overnight oats recipes here adapted from PenguinOlivia. Benefits of Overnight Oats The nutritional value of oats is very high. Oatmeal is rich in carbohydrates, water-soluble fiber, protein and unsaturated fatty acids. Carbohydrates can replenish the energy and blood sugar after a night’s sleep. Water-soluble fiber provides a feeling of satiety and stablises the blood sugar. Oats’ unsaturated fatty acids also help lower cholesterol and maintain cardiovascular health. In addition, most of overnight oats are made with milk, which contains various nutrients such as protein, vitamin A, B, calcium, cop

Negative Ions Air Purifiers – Its Not All Positives

Like many parents, I have also invested a fair bit on air purifiers to remove allergens in the bedroom when my children sleep at night. A three layer air cleaning process is fairly common. The first step is the carbon prefilters which traps larger particles like hair and some odours. The second layer of volatile organic compound (VOC) filters trap odors and airborne pathogens; and lastly the HEPA filters reduce indoor allergens such as dust and pollen. The icing on the cake, negative ion air purifiers which releases negative ions into the air. Negative ions are abundant in nature. Negative ions are supposed to be further clean up the air off any mold spores, pollen, pet dander, odors, cigarette smoke, bacteria, viruses, dust and other hazardous airborne particles. Negative ions are also said to increase your sense of well-being and mental clarity. At this point in time, let me caveat that yes, air purifiers does a wonderful job cleaning up allergens and pollutants in th

Rilakkuma Food – Inspirations for Everyday Breakfast

I’m sharing today some cute appetizing Rilakkuma themed food for breakfast. These are definitely not the ugly bentos I’ve shared earlier. Rilakkuma (リラックマ Rirakkuma) is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company San-X, created by former employee Aki Kondo. Grab some inspirations to make them for your loved ones.

Mahdis Mohamaadi – The Internet is Mesmerised by this Iranian Girl

If your daughter is so pretty, would you quit your job and be her full time bodyguard? A father in Iran did just that for fear that her daughter’s good looks may bring her unwanted harassment or harm. Little Princess from Iran, Mahdis Mohammadi Meet 8-year-old Iranian girl Mahdis Mohammadi who has a pair of big dark eyes, thick eyelashes and a high nose. She has been praised by foreign media as being “the most beautiful girl in the world.” Despite her young age, Mahdis has a super-beautiful appearance. In addition, her parents like to dress her up as a little princess. Her parents hope that she will go into literature and arts after she grows up. She maybe a musician or a dancer, depending on her daughter’s own development, talent and choice. But for now, Mahdis’ dream is to become a teacher or a scientist. She is also interested in literature and nature. 189k followers on Instagram and the number is still growing. Mahdis’ parents also created an Ins

What is URTI - The Doctor's Jargon

Diagram of the Human Respiratory System If you have been to a doctor,  you would probably have seen URTI written in your diagnosis at one point or another.  So what is URTI?  Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI), also known as the “common cold” or the “flu”, is easily transmitted via the inhalation of aerosol droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs or through direct contact with the respiratory secretions and saliva of an infected person. While most symptoms are mild and self-limiting, there are cases of severe infections and flu-related complications. It is therefore imperative that everyone takes preventive measures to avoid URTI. If, however, you are diagnosed with URTI, it is also vital that you take protective measures to reduce or eliminate the transmission of the virus or bacteria, so that the infection does not spread to others, including your friends and family members! Don’t let the Cold get to You. Here’s what you can do: Wash your hands regularly w

How to Raise a Smart Baby – Sleep on It!

SLEEP . A crucial part of a baby’s development. We all know this. Sleep, is also the way to raise a smart baby. Before we discuss how to sleep the right way, let’s see how the lack of sleep can affect our babies. Unhealthy for the Heart How many of you are going through this. Your child couldn’t get to sleep at night, and they cannot wake up in the morning for school? They end up being cranky, fussy and restless throughout the day. Some might even have poor appetite or experience anxiety. Anxiety increases the heart rate and this regular increase in heart rate is detrimental to the heart’s health. Lowering the Immune System Is your child skipping his afternoon nap regularly? Did you notice your child falling sick more often after he missed his afternoon nap for a period of time? The frequency of falling ill is “inversely proportional” to the number of sleep he gets every day. When a child does not have sufficient sleep, his body does not have sufficient rest and hen

Allergic Rhinitis in Children – Basic Information Every Parent Must Know

I’m stunned! I never knew there were so many types of rhinitis in children. There are acute rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic simple rhinitis, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, dry rhinitis, caseous rhinitis and eosinophilic rhinitis. I shall spend more time researching on the other types of rhinitis by for now, let’s discuss the most common form of pediatric rhinitis: allergic rhinitis. So what is allergic rhinitis? What is Allergic Rhinitis Allergic rhinitis, also commonly known as hay fever, is a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. Signs and symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, red, itchy, and watery eyes, and swelling around the eyes. The fluid from the nose is usually clear. Causes of Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis There are generally FOUR main causes of allergic rhinitis, namely, Genetics, Environment, Diet and Disease. Genetics – A baby with a history of fa

Your Stubborn Kid Might be More Successful and Richer

“No, I don’t want to go to bed yet!” “I don’t want to wear this!” Are these the kind of regular complaints your toddler gives you? It might be easier to convince your boss at work, but convincing your stubborn preschooler that he needs his veggies can be even more of a challenge. You might even get calls from your strong-willed daughter’s school about a few instances here and there, pointing out how she won’t budge when she’s set her mind on something. But research shows that you have nothing to worry about, apart from the little arguments you may have with them almost every day. When your toddler grows up and starts a life of his own, you will be happy that you didn’t let the stubbornness get the best of you. Based on a report by TIME, findings of a recent study available on PsycNET are encouraging parents to embrace their child’s stubbornness instead of trying to change it. After four decades of observation, the research indicated that stubborn children are the o

What is Asthma Attack

An asthma attack can be a daunting experience even for those with prior experience. Potential signs of an imminent attack can include shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, coughing, and wheezing. These are potential tell-tale signs of what is asthma attack. These are also signs that you need to whip out the inhaler right away to relieve these symptoms. Asthma attacks can occur anywhere, at any time, without any warning. It is therefore important for sufferers always carry or have their medications nearby. Asthma attacks can generally be classified as either Mild or Severe. A mild attack is usually more common than a severe one. In a mild attack, the symptoms usually goes away within a few minutes or within a few hours after receiving treatment. On the other hand, severe asthma attacks last longer and immediate medical attention is needed. As a suffer or caregiver, you need to recognise the symptoms and treat mild symptoms of an asthma attack in order to prevent a sev

Asthma Triggers in Your Home

Asthma is a disease resulting from chronic inflammation of the airways. It is estimated to affect 20 per cent of children in Singapore. Common symptoms of asthma are recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and cough. Asthma Triggers and Prevention/ Avoidance Tips Asthma symptoms may be triggered by different factors, ranging from external factors such as airborne pollutants/irritants (e.g. haze, tobacco smoke) and allergens (e.g. house dust mites, animal dander) to physical activity and emotional factors (e.g. anxiety, stress). There is at present no known cure for asthma but with appropriate treatment, most children with asthma can lead normal lives. Common triggers and suggestions to avoid them are: Viral infections : Build up a healthy immune system with balanced nutrition, good sleep and regular exercise/physical activity. Basic hygiene practices e.g. hand washing. Influenza vaccination. Tobacco smoke: Smoking cessation for smok

What Your Birth Month Says about You

You’ll be surprised by how accurately your birth month describes you. January Baby A January baby draws eyes wherever they go. They love to show their fun side by dressing up and are easily bored. Babies born in January are known for being picky. They never let their emotions betray them. A January baby is more sensitive than most so it takes time to recover when hurt. They have a stubborn side but are also incredibly down-to-earth. Repost this now to discover who of your friends is also a January baby! February Baby Babies born in February think outside the box and revel in mixing reality with the abstract. Those born in February are intelligent and clever. Like the weather in February, their personality changes. February babies are attractive and considered sexy by most people. They have a hot-headed quality but are quiet and take time to come out of their shells. You will never hear a February baby bragging. They are the best of friends thanks to their loyal a