Screen time includes everything, using mobile phone, playing video games, watching TV, or squandering time on laptop. Excess screen time is such a big problem today. Children’s screen time is very high these days, ranging from 4 hours to even 10 hours a day. Yes. It can become that bad. So how to limit screen time for kids? What’s So Bad with Excessive Screen Time? Parents complain that their children are completely lost. They don’t study, they don’t eat, they don’t interact with family members. Their only friends they have are online. They don’t go out to play, just lying in the bed all day, lost in their virtual world. They don’t sleep on time. It’s all because the child’s life revolves around mobile, video games, laptop and TV. Screen time has consumed their child! What Can be Done? Let’s begin with things that you shouldn’t do. Things that don’t work and can make the problem even worse. Requesting . Sometimes you think if you just be nice to them, if you ask ca...