Novita Air Purifier – NAP101i Review

Quick Specifications: 52 Watts (0.7 Watts at standby) 4-Step Purification Coverage Up To 270 sq. ft. or 25sqm Semi-Permanent Built-In Ionizer ≥ 9 Million Negative Ions per cm3 novita PuriClean™ Air Purifier NAP101i novita is a very familiar brand in Singapore with a wide range of products ranging from air purifiers, water purifiers and more recently, they have come out with other products such as fans and massage devices. My novita air purifier which I bought more than three years ago is still running strong, giving me full confidence in their range of products. Back to what they do best, which is air purifier, their basic model NAP101i is by no means inferior to its bigger brothers like the NAP606 and the NAP002Hi. I would recommend the NAP101i for a typical HDB bedroom since its coverage is up to 25sqm. If you need to purify the air for the living/dining room, then you might consider the larger NAP606 which can cover up to 38sqm. The NAP101i offers the powerf...